Filmschnitt Sabine Brose Berlin
"Den Zugang freischalten" aus der Stadtrevue Köln Ausgabe April 2012

The Grand Creativity Workshop

Resolution and creativity development for teams  (3-4 days)

This workshop involves returning to the wellspring of creativity, removing self-imposed obstacles, and turning the pressure to perform, doubt and concerns into resources for creative thinking. Improvisational games and expression exercises help you to become aware of attitudes, change perspectives, and take on a different point of view. All this can help you find your way to something new.
To continue to maintain our desire to experiment fun of the challenge in a world characterized by a pressure to perform, we need creativity, spontaneity, and self-awareness. This workshop presents opportunities to brush up and cultivate these qualities with a great deal of joy and humor. Lessons from the workshop can be applied to your own needs and integrated in your day-to-day work.

Creativity Unlimited! 

Tester course for the curious  (1 day)

Our most important working instrument is ourselves. Many of us visit workshops to keep up with technological progress – but what about investing in our own creativity? This one-day course gives you the opportunity to make contact with your creativity in a variety of way, outside of your familiar working environment. The day focuses on the enjoyment of playing and will leave you hungry for more.

Out of the Editing Suite – Up on the Stage! 

Workshop für film students (3-4 days)

Improvisational theater is a proven method of telling stories in a brief, effective manner. Since this is the central aspect of a film editor's work as well, you can develop your sense of dramaturgy and the important elements of a story from both acting yourself and from watching others act.
The workshop centers on discovering the enjoyment of acting and experimentation. By conducting exercises in perception and rhythm, fantastic voyages, and acting out specific scenes and discussing them afterwards, we help to fine-tune your awareness of your own possibilities and limits.

Emotions in Editing – Emotions in Film 

Seminar für film students (3 days)

The occupational opportunity to manipulate the thoughts and feelings of others requires us to know our way around our own personalities as well as possible. Simple exercises in improvisation and perception make it possible to re-experience the spectrum of feelings and rediscover your creativity and inspiration. Specific editing exercises based on actual material helps students learn about the possibilities and impact of creating emotions in film.

All examples are for 10-12 persons 



Filmakademie Vienna

HFF Potsdam–Babelsberg

Internationale Filmschule Cologne

Internationales Frauenfilmfestival (International Women's Film Festival) Cologne

BfS Filmeditor e.V.

WIFT Germany

Verein Fördern durch Spielmittel – Toys for Disabled Children e.V.


»Everyone should try to be creative somehow, without regard to the quality of what they produce.« 
Yehudi Menuhin

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