Filmschnitt Sabine Brose Berlin

»Sabine Brose is a self–contained creative factory. As an editor, she had a major impact on my work! Her open, heartfelt manner, her expertise, and her artistic intuition make her a passionate team member who never loses track of the big picture.«
Hape Kerkeling

»The term 'master editor' is insufficient to describe what Sabine Brose does when she edits a film. She is a treasure hunter, seeking the deepest emotions, the golden thread that is hidden in the subconscious of the material and point the way to what is important. She reveals, weaving the fine threads together carefully to a rich tapestry that holds everything together and reveals what the stories are about. Once she has caught the scent, she is unflinching, patient, confident. She is midwife and partner, a true master of the braiding and consolidation of cinematic stories. But that isn't a job title.«
Connie Walther, director 

»The openness that always comes from the heart. The virtuoso naturalness with which you master your trade. Your unerring, unsentimental eye for the core, the soul of the film. That you never get lost in antics or tricks when assembling the material, yet everything is created with so much joy and pleasure. Your lightning–fast, brilliant access to the material, your insights into human nature, your humor...«
Gabi Kubach, director 

»Sabine Brose and I have spent countless hours together in the editing room. I witnessed again and again how Sabine moves into the world of the shot material, without losing sight of the big picture. I trust in this trusted companion in her search for the best moments, without endangering the overall architecture. I feel next to me not just a master editor, but a musician who shapes the material into rhythms, melodies, and stanzas with her sensitive empathy. In those moments when the film seems to be slipping away from me like a wet fish, Sabine is always there with a smile and a solution.«
Claudia Prietzel, director

»Sabine Brose’s art makes mine look better - whether as an actor or a director. The first time we worked together, 1998 in the film "Schande" ("Outrage") by Claudia Prietzel, my portrayal of the role of Petronella was enhanced by her insightful editing – for Sabine edits with the emotional intelligence of the characters, she has the right eye for the heartbeat of the scene; she lets the actors shine in their veracity and always gets your best performance out of you at the editing bay. So it is no wonder that acting performances often win awards after undergoing Sabine Brose's artistic editing. In 2006, I shot a short film on freedom of the press for my debut as a cinematic director. Sabine immediately offered me her support and expertise on my way to becoming a director and reinforced my vision, she gave me the power to stand up for my film and realize my vision. I am infinitely grateful to Sabine for her amazing work, her clarity, and her trust in me. I look forward to our next films, behind and in front of the camera«
Nina Franoszek, actor, director

»When you have the privilege to work together with Sabine Brose, as I have, you learn the difference between "cutters" and assembly: Veracity and an instinct for dramaturgy, coupled with knowledge of the dark sides of life and art. And when these characteristics are combined with an infectious cheerfulness, like with Sabine, then any director will be happy at work. Just like me.«
Olaf Kaiser, director

»It is absolutely thrilling to be in an edit suite with Sabine Brose! When I arrived there, my eyes were still muddy, somehow tainted by the circumstances of the shoot. I needed a scientist, someone who could analyze the footage, research and establish patterns. Sabine did exactly that. I just acted as an immune system, accepting or rejecting hypothesis. Sabine has a unique and intuitive understanding of actors and of human nature. She is able, just like a sculptor studying a stone, to carve its shape using the natural veins. When the form is clearer, this sculptor becomes a surgeon, fine tuning joints and ligaments, freeing the way for impulses, which create better performances. Without speaking Portuguese, she was able to orchestrate my material like a maestro, allowing me, in the most simple and exciting way, to feel every aspect of the film.« 
Patrícia Bateira, film maker

»Hurray! Our lovely Wall episode won the "Goldener Spatz"! Thanks again from the bottom of my heart for your excellent, inspiring, creative, cheerful work. Great editing, great music, great episode!  And that we managed to cut "Engel" down to 90 minutes is simply fantastic! (Thanks for dealing with the copy editor so compassionately.) You're really a dear. See you soon in the editing room!!!« 
Irina Popow, director

»Sabine is not only a master editor with perfect command of her craft, but also – and in particular – a person who loves films and stories. As a result, she always approaches her work from the perspective of the story that is to be told, which I think is the most important prerequisite for a good film. The fact that she does so with such infectious enthusiasm, with such joy and inspiration, is a gift that you get when you work together with her, and for which I am grateful.« 
Katharina Rietz, producer


Frankfurter Rundschau/ Berliner Zeitung December 5,2012
»Zappelphilipp« (Fidgeter)
»Thanks to an ideal, rhythmic montage by editor Sabine Brose, this film manages to be educational and cinematic poetry at the same time«

Berliner Zeitung October 21, 2009 
»Frau Böhm sagt Nein« (Ms.Böhm Says No)
»... and the editing by Sabine Brose, which relies on the tranquility of the images, make the film a true artistic experience in addition to its critical sign-of-the-times message."«

Frankenpost October 28, 2001, Hofer Filmtage
»Null Uhr 12« (Twelve Past Midnight)
»... even during the final plot twist, it is hard to believe that Stefan Kolditz’ concise screenplay, Bernd Michael Lade's cool production, Sabine Brose's virtuoso editing have actually tied up all the intertwined loose ends ..."«

AFI Film Fetival 1998 »Best Editing Award «
Trakker Technologies is proud to sponsor and announce the winner of the »Best Editing« award at the 1998 American Film Institute Los Angeles International Film Festival, who took place in Los Angeles from October 22–31, 1998. The award winner is Sabine Brose, editor for the film »The Little Girl Who Fell from A Tree«. The prize is a complete $ 35,000 digital editing system. 
(Info Trakker Technologies Slingshot, November 1998)


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